QuickBigFile provide you an easy way of sending files to your Friends or co worker, any type or file you can send via this website. larger file upload with the limit of 2 GB per file. You can send any file format & It will provide you flash based visual status bar so you can know the file uploading status. you can simply email the file or get the URL and share it via tweeter, Facebook or IM

Eye view on feature.
  • Your File Will be Checked For Basic Viruses.
  • Password Protect Your Download Page for secured sharing!
  • Get an Email alert when your File is downloaded
  • Files will be store for 1 month of 0 downloads.
And all Files are stored on Amazon S3 scalable servers which provides faster and secure downloads so your guest will get Hazel free downloading process.

For Experiment I just upload a MP3 file. my file was uploaded very fast & website didn't ask for any registration so I can instantly upload it & I think That's why it's name is QuickBigFile. It's a very good alternative for attaching file with email.