Get RealTime Tweets with ThreadedTweets
5:43 PM | View Comments | Internet, Twitter, Twitter App, Web, Web 2.0
ThreadedTweets turns every tweet into it’s own real-time threadlike in Gmail. It also bring tweets to the page real time like Friendfeed real-time so no need to refresh the page. same thing goes for search. In Tweeter search we need to refresh the page but here you can see real time updates without refreshing the search page & new tweets will keep coming automatically.
ThreadedTweets is also allow you to post tweet, Retweet, Follow Unfollow, Reply to a tweet within the interface Its kind of live broadcasting you are doing for twitter. So now you can track your friends tweet in a browser and also able to track search in another browser tab. no refresh, just open many tabs as you can and start realtime experience that much batter than twitter homepage. You also able to start & pause realtime updates like any broadcasting channel
You also able to create a short url for the search term you are tracking or a tweet reply you are tracking. I bet you gonna like it.
It uses Twitter’s OAuth authentication to log you in without needing to store your password.