Twitter is providing 140 character limit for tweeting but what happen if you need to say something more then 140 character? Many companies using Twitter as a customer support service for companies & customers, Its too hard to say in 140 limits. To solve this problem Twerbose come up with a solution. Well many other web apps available which can do the same job but Twerbose is different.
Twerbose is giving more features to users. It's providing the surface to create Tweets more then 140 character . After 120 character Twerbose insert a link to the full post of your tweet. That's not all, You can tag your tweets, Make the tweet as Public or Private so only friends can able to see your tweet. User can able to add YouTube videos. Tweets are iPhone friendly. Twerbose having two editor, one is basic text editor and other one is advance text editor where user can customized the text color, background, type, size and also able to post links and images.It works like you composing an email..
Post tweets beyond 140 limit
Comment on other people's tweets
Optional advanced wysiwyg editing
Add Youtube videos & Images to your tweet
Customized the text of your tweet
Total privacy control on your tweets
iPhone friendly
In basic Text Editor user can see the "What U See Is What U Get" version of the tweets. Right now this feature is not available in advance text editor but its a new app and lots of space for new features and improvement for Twerbose.
What you think about this service please let us know by posting your valuable comments.