You'll notice your labels in a new location on the left of your inbox or on the right, for those of you using the Arabic, Hebrew, or Urdu versions of Gmail. Instead of having their own section, your labels are now above your chat list, grouped together with Inbox, Drafts, Chats and other system labels.

(Gmail Labels with Drag & Drop Support)

You now have control over which of your labels show. Gmail get you started by automatically showing the labels you use most and hiding the rest. Label hiding is my favorite new feature, since it saves me from having to look through labels I rarely use. If I ever need to reach any of my old labels, I just click the "more" link.

And I can easily view latest emails & for that I don't have to go to labels for see the new emails. I just need to put particular "Label" under the left side of my Inbox. This feature allow me to keep on eye, on new emails that attached to labels that important to me.

One of the biggest changes is that users will now be able to drag and drop messages into labels like folder style. In other words, you can sort your messages much the same way that you would add them to folders like other webmail system doing.

To label or move many messages at once, first select the messages and then drag and drop the label.It's also possible to drag labels into the "more" menu to hide them and vice versa. If you only want to move a couple labels around, According to me, It's much faster than going to Settings but If you want to make a lot of changes at once in bulk, go to the Labels tab under Settings where you can edit labels.

Google is also removing the "right-side labels" feature from Gmail labs. For those of you using the Arabic, Hebrew, or Urdu versions of Gmail are getting the "right-side labels" feature by default.

Google rolling these changes gradually& these changes also made way to Google Apps emails too,

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