Google Docs, a product where I could easily share documents with people online, and never have to worry about overlapping revisions it skip the heavy email attachments part. And with everything stored online, its easy to be in touch with your docs ans also easy to collaborate with your team met :)
(previously Google Docs not allow to import .xlsx &.docx format files directly)

Google Docs Supports following formats.
  • For spreadsheets: .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .csv, .tsv, .txt, .tsb
  • For documents: .doc, .docx, .html, plain text (.txt), .rtf
  • For presentations: .ppt, .pps
so how do you get your Word and Excel 2007 documents into the cloud?

Well this is not a question anymore, Google just gave you answer by including .xlsx & .docx format in Google Docs

These two files formats found in nearly every modern day word processor or spreadsheet editor. Previously, it was not supported by Google Docs. Google also allowed users to open up these files from Gmail or in Google search results in its HTML-document viewer, but hadn't allowed direct opening of them in Docs without the extra conversion step. Now you can open the file with original formatting also preserved.

(Upload your .docx & .xlsx files directly to Google Docs)

To import a .docx or .xlsx file, simply click the "Upload" button in your Docs List menu, select your file, and voila! Google will upload and convert your document for use in Google Docs.

This is a another great benefit of Google Docs - you don't have to worry about what format the file is in. Just upload it and we'll figure it out for you.

And if you have lots of files for upload, then be sure to check out the Google Documents List API.

Still user can't import .pptx files from PowerPoint 2007 without losing formatting. Just like it used to do with .docx and .xlsx files, Google Docs strips things like themes, transitions and artwork but Zoho do support these Open Office XML formats

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