The Free Network project is the community that creates and maintains Freenet, free software that allows you publish and obtain information on the Internet without fear of censorship by means of a decentralized, anonymous network.

Their last donation funded the db4o project, which has now been merged into Freenet, greatly improving performance for large download queues while reducing memory usage, amongst other benefits.

they are currently working on Freenet 0.8, which will be released later this year,Since version 0.7 , the software has had built-in support for downloading and uploading large files. These are long-term downloads, which persist between restarts of the node. This support has improved performance and usability, but it has also meant that when lots of downloads are going on at the same time, Freenet uses a lot of memory, takes a long time to complete the startup process, and crashes if you queue too many downloads. By storing the current progress of uploads and downloads in's open source object database rather than in memory, Freenet's memory usage can be greatly reduced, the end-user doesn't need to worry about running out of memory, we can have an unlimited number of uploads and tens of gigs of downloads, and so on.
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