Facebook Notifications goes RealTime
1:03 PM | View Comments | Facebook, Internet, Social Network, Stream, Technology, Web
So when you are online with Facebook Chat, entire notifications will appear automatically and in real time above the Chat bar as pop-up alerts. After a few seconds, the notification will automatically disappear, but you'll still be able to see a list of all of your notifications when you click on the notifications icon. You'll also continue to see a count of all the notifications you've not yet viewed, indicated in red.
You can turn off specific types of notifications if you don't want to receive them. When a notification appears, click the "X" to close it. You then will be asked if you want to permanently turn off future notifications of that same type. For example, if you choose to permanently delete a notification about posted links, you won't receive any future notifications about posted links from your friends.
Recently Facebook rolled out live updates for streaming which streams news feeds in real time & now a days all web companies focusing in real time updates.