many new services coming with Twitter integration and now ilistmicro come up which provides classified in 140 characters!

So How it works? very simple. It works in two direction for sell and for buy Just Tweet your listing with the hashtag #ihave (ex. for selling or Give away) & Tweet your listing with the hashtag #iwant (for Buying or wanted) listings. Here iList Micro robots will automatically put all of those tweets listing to the iListMicro's website.

It's search feature is really cool. You can find if you need some thing or if you wanna give something. It has three category "Someone Has" "Someone wants" & "is listed" so just insert the keyword and if the thing that you need is listed so just contact the person via twitter. superb ans simple

another cool feature of the site i like the most is get auto tweet about the listing. for that just follow@ilismicro and if any tweet mach with others tweet than ilistmicro will send automatically direct message to both person.

For Eg: I have YouTube RealTime invitation so I'll tweet; #ihave YouTube RealTime invitations and if other want the invitations then they tweet: #iwant a YouTube RealTime invitation. Now you can find this thing by searching the website and if both person are follower of the auto bot then both will get a notification.

Use also able to add the zip code as a hash tag to locket location based stuff and also able to add hash tag for different category.
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